Hallaaww~ *Donghae's style

6:04 PM

It's been way too long since I've updated this blog. I updated my blog in Asianfanfics, though.
Yes, asianfanfics. I have an account there to write, read, comment, and even blog about something related to fan fiction thingy, merely K-pop. (you see what you did there, Kpop?)
But I kinda like it there. I met some new friends because of this. From all over the world. And it's fun to spazz with someone who ships your OTP, no? Besides, I always love to write. I already made 2 fics there, starring my precious OTP Kyuhyun and Yoona. And it kinda improves my writing skill, so I don't regret it at all. n_n

Anyway, it's day 18th of the year 2012. Very very super late, I know. But.. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I'll be turning 24 this year (thank God my birthday is on October!) and my parents, aunt, and grandma already worried about my future husband.

Yes. Future husband.

They're worried because I still don't have a boyfriend until this day so they decided to 'introduce' me to someone.

...I know this day'll come.

I don't mind being introduced to a guy, actually. It's nice to have new friends.
But I just wish 'my guy' will come all by himself..

Immediately. *crossing fingers*

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