live life and laugh

4:44 PM

I sometimes have this urge feelings to cry without even have a proper reason why I would. I just want to. And last night, I did. I cry my heart out without even knowing why I did.
I just... need a hug, I guess.

Anyway, It's been a long time since I wrote here, and I do miss writing, I really do. But... I don't have any interesting stories to share.

Oh I got 1! I got the Super Show 4 Jakarta's Ticket! In less than 2 weeks, I'll be seeing my oppars with my own eyes~!!!!! Can't wait.

Oh and another 1. There's this cute guy whom I don't really like but it's enough to make me stay a little bit longer just to stare at his back L O L. And last friday I talked to him again after a while. It's just a 'can you' and 'nope, it can't' kind of conversation but I feel like I've accomplished something big because of it :3

Oh I got another 1 (well, there's a lot of stories, I guess) That one particular guy whom I happened to have a crush on for almost 5 years actually YM-ing me first with a strange explanation of why he did that. some of my friends assumed that he missed me (YEA RIGHT LMAO), but I'm just glad that he didn't forget me.

And I'm proudly announce that.... THE SWITCH IS STILL OFF!!!!! Has the switch finally fixed itself? I hope so. I do not mind If we met, though. He said that he bought me something when he last went to Japan but still didn't know how to give it to me (well if you really mean it, then you'll find a way, so I guess you don't. -_-).

Okay, that basically it. I'm off to download the latest 'The King 2 Hearts' drama (It's REALLY GOOD. Not a typical K-Drama, but I assure you that IT IS GOOD) and then watch some of the old 1N2D (I'm missing the old formation so so so bad)

Goodbye for now~! <3

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