kizuite watashi ga iru koto

9:57 PM

gw lg down, ngerasa ga percaya diri dan ngerasa sendiri.
temen gw banyak dan gw lg ga ada masalah sama siapapun. orang tua gw lg suportif banget.
tapi kenapa gw ngerasa kaya gini (lagi)?
gw udh capek kaya gini terus! bosen!
i need support.
i need attention.
from someone who's really gonna be there for me all the time no matter what.
notice me.
i'm here.

beberapa hari yg lalu gw baca blog dan nemu quote yang kayanya (mestinya) bisa bangkitin smangat gw. kira2 intinya gini (gw lupa keseluruhannya) :

"if you're feeling down and lonely, just remember that someone out there is thinking of you."

hopefully someone is. *sigh..

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