
12:31 PM

tadi siang gw liat metro tv mengenai serangan israel ke palestina.
korban2 yg berjatuhan.
and what i saw surely raised goose bumps on mine.
anak-anak kecil berkisar umur 5-8 tahun berdarah2 sambil jalan meluk something like a flag of their nation
bayi yang masih kecil banget lagi digendong and i'm not really sure of what i saw but i think he lost his legs.
(i was thinking it may be because of the bomb attack)
his father covered in tears, kissed him.
the background song was Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton.
and i feel hurt. so bad. i feel like i'm going to cry but i just can't. i'm just really sad and absolutely furious at the same time.
how could someone can't have a heart at all.
have you seen what you've done?
and you thought it was a good idea just to attacking and bomb-ing like that?
don't you have a heart at all?
what if those child is yours?
honestly, gw ga terlalu ngerti apa masalahnya sampe2 israel harus nyerang palestina kaya gini.
selama ini gw ga nonton berita. you can call me careless.
tapi satu hal yang ngebuat gw ga mau tau masalah perang adalah karena gw sangat sangat tidak setuju dengan perang.
dan kalo gw nonton / ngebaca masalah itu, hanya akan ngebuat gw ngerasa marah dan sedih karena ga bisa berbuat apa-apa.
jadi gw bertindak seolah gw ga peduli dan masa bodo.
but the truth is, i do care.
i want this to end soon.
but what can i do?
all i can do right now is pray to Allah and hope this war to end soon.
as soon as it can get.
hamba mohon ya Allah,
semoga ga ada lagi korban2 berjatuhan
apalagi anak2 kecil ga berdosa kaya mereka yang ga ngerti apa-apa tapi harus menjadi korban.
forgive their sins, and let them be peace by Your side.

P.S. : turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya ayah dari Aya, semoga amal ibadah almarhum di terima di sisiNya
dan semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberi ketabahan.amin.

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